Education & Training

Education & Training

Spectra's team of Nephrology Clinical Educators provide customers on-site inservice training and clinical consultation services. Our clinical support team understands the workflow of the dialysis clinic and are well-qualified to address your training needs.

Training and education opportunities include:

  • Review of best practices for specimen collection and handling
  • Training on Spectra's ordering, reporting and data management applications
  • Access to Facility Self Audit Tool for Laboratory Specimen Quality
  • Monthly Specimen Quality Indicators Report

Web-based Seminars
Interact with the Spectra Laboratories team in real-time from any computer with Internet access. Obtain valuable information pertaining to Spectra's reporting tools as well as proper specimen collection and handling techniques.

Resource Center
Visit our Resource Center on a regular basis to deepen your knowledge and stay current with industry changes:  

  • Scientific bulletins provide clinical overviews of the various tests we conduct, our methodologies and the significance to the dialysis population.
  • Technical bulletins will keep you abreast of new procedures and regulatory changes related to Spectra's laboratory tests
  • Spectra Lab Chat podcast covers a wide range of topics related to clinical laboratory testing, with an emphasis on end-stage renal disease (ESRD)

Spectra Kiosk
Access the Spectra Kiosk on a routine basis to view our comprehensive library of training materials, including:

  • Specimen collection & handling aides
  • Training videos
  • Quick reference guides

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2022 Draw Calendar
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